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Create Rarities


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This addon lets to create custom rarities and apply them to any cosmetic you want.

Default built-in rarities.​

  1. Common has a priority of 1.
  2. Rare has a priority of 2.
  3. Epic has a priority of 3.
  4. Legendary has a priority of 4.

Add a new rarity.​

  1. Open to the configuration file for you corresponding mode.
File location: plugins/BedWars1058/Addons/Cosmetics/config.yml
  1. Add a new row under the rarities path as shown in the snippet below.

The color path should be a color from ChatColor.

config.yml (snippet)
priority: # The priority of the rarity (Should be a number).
color: # The color of the rarity that's gonna be displayed.
  1. Open your desired language file for your mode and then add a new row under the addons.cosmetics.rarities path, as shown in the snippet below.
File location: plugins/BedWars1058/Languages/messages_(lang).yml
messages_(lang).yml (snippet)
display-name: # The name you want it to be displayed for the current language.
  1. Save all these files.
  2. You're done, now you can use it for any cosmetic you want, as shown below.
Example usage of your custom rarity
enabled: true
amount: 1
enchanted: true
price: 500000
rarity: your-rarity-name