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Addon Installation

Before you continue

Please make sure that you've done these steps, and read the compatibility before you'll continue.


  1. Download the plugin from Polymart.
  2. Drag and drop the BedWars1058-Cosmetics-x.x.x.jar file into your server's plugins folder.
  3. Start your server, let it to fully start, and then stop it.
  4. Open the authorization.yml file. If you are unsure about the mode you use please read this article.
File location: plugins/BedWars1058/Addons/Cosmetics/authentication.yml
  1. Put your personal license key that you've got from the result of these steps on the license-key path of the authorization.yml file.
  2. Start your server. Profit!

If you have STANDALONE mode server (read this article for modes) you have to also do these steps.

Continue configuring BedWars1058 Cosmetics Addon by looking into these articles.